Installment 24
31 August 2021
The Lance-nosed Chameleon is also known as the Narwhal-Dinosaur. At least I like to call it that! Read on for COVID in the 8th Continent (installment 24). The pandemic situation remains confusing. An afternoon curfew in my town started yesterday, in response to a local spike in cases. Meanwhile, there are rumors that the whole country will "open up" in about a week, including the resumption of both domestic and international flights. Is there a coherent and logical strategy in place? I hope so. I do tend to think that lock-downs cannot be sustained much longer in a country as poor as this. Who knows what will happen next. The herbal remedy, which was much touted a couple months ago, hasn't prevented the 15,000 documented cases, though the true believers attribute our low rate of severe cases and fatalities to the beverage. At the beach a few days ago, I watched some local pop stars making a music video bemoaning the pandemic lock-downs and mocking the herbal brew!